View Profile SnowballLock

30 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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alright now..

Here are the good points.
1. nice music.
2. Some humour and some good animation.
Bad points.
1. The ninjas looked pretty bad.
2. By some homour I meant one part. When he was dressing up it was funny. (thats all)
3. I didnt like the reality crap of him beating up real ppl.
4. And last thing was that ninjas dont use guns.

TX2 responds:

I appreciate the orginized input so here's an orginized response.
1- thank you
2- again thank you
1-I was going for Simple and silly.
2-Either that is really confusing or misspelled quite a bit. If the latter, then what about the overall concept, was that funny?
3-I guess that answered my last question.
4-They don't use pirate swords or Porcelin cat's either.

That was fukin awesome!

Good on ya. The Lock Legion has yur back on this one.

biblo responds:


nice flash.

I was wondering, how do you put music, and voices into your flash? please help me. I need to know just how to put voices in. It would be appreciated thanks.

BigPoUcH responds:

Hey snowball lock

-well with music: You insert a layer into ur scene and then go to -file, -import file to library, then with the F11 key, open up ur library menu. Drag the music and put it into the layer
NOTE: Sometimes music may not be able to be put in because of the type of file it is EX: MP3...you need to get a file converter and convert it to a WAV file. It should work.

Now, with voices: Record the voice with a mic or something and then its the exact same with putting in music. Import to library, then press F11 to bring it up. And drag it in the layer.

Hope that helped. Good luck!

hey its Snowball.

Dude, leave the clown out of this and I still cant get music into my flashes. Anyway, I dont know what I'll do, I'm going to finish my flash and submit it without sound whether ppl like it or not.

BreadFruitLock responds:

gug <3

help me out plz

I'm in a bit of a pickle however. My flash needs music, I have music downloaded from Music MX, now when I tried to import it to the library it said "one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them" it says this when I try to put sound effects in as well. Please help me, my first flash I put in was blammed becuz of the lack of sound. Please reply.

BreadFruitLock responds:

Welp, i tries to get you on aim but you dont have one on you're profile. Get me on aim and i will be more then happy to help you out. And thanks for the ten <3

nicely done

I'm in a bit of a pickle however. My flash needs music, I have music downloaded from Music MX, now when I tried to import it to the library it said "one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them" it says this when I try to put sound effects in as well. Please help me, my first flash I put in was blammed becuz of the lack of sound. Please reply.

Magius responds:

I just saw this randomly, and I'll reply to it now because you said please. I'll get around to everyone's reviews sooner or later.

What type of music file is it? I know that you can't import MIDI format. I only use WAV and MP3 files.

nice job

A little scratchy but hey, cant be picky. I have a question for you though. how do u make a .fla file turn into a .sml file so that u can submit it to Newgrounds? srry, I'm kinda new at flash. This guy told me to go file then publish but thats it, or is that all u have to do?

kickapkapk responds:

Thx for the reveiw man ill be sure to make some more:). The way I am able to submit it is you have to turn it into an .swf file by jsut testing the movie and then pressing save. You submit teh swf. file and it should work.:)

heh... heh heh... cool...

Wayne @SnowballLock

Age 35, Male

furniture associate

Holy Rosary

In your moms bedroom

Joined on 11/19/04

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